by Admin
Posted on 22-07-2023 10:55 AM
Once you’ve decided on a domain name, you’ll need to set up hosting for your blog. While wordpress itself is free (see step 2 below), you need a reliable place to host your wordpress blog (your blog needs to be on a server somewhere on the internet). For hosting, we recommend bluehost for several reasons:
we use bluehost. We personally use bluehost to host the minimalists. If you recommend a company, you better be willing to use their product yourself. We also use them to host several other websites of ours. Great pricing. Theminimalists. Com is a bluehost affiliate partner, which means that in addition to using their service, we also receive a commission for referring new
Technically, you could skip this step and jump straight to adding a wordpress posts table to your site.
This would generate a table using the plugin’s default settings. However, you’ll probably want to customize your post table at least a little, to better match your vision. Upon the plugin's initial installation, an automatic setup wizard will launch, providing a step-by-step guide to creating your first table. After creating the table, you can customize its appearance. Additionally, you have the option to generate new tables anytime by going to post tables → add new. Select an exclusive name for the table that will only be used internally and appear on the list of tables in the wordpress admin.
Each social network formats your content differently, so you’ll want it optimized to format properly across the main social networks (your thumbnail image is the correct size and your titles and descriptions are tailored for each social network if you choose). The yoast wordpress seo plugin does a fantastic job with this and i will assume you’re using it. Step 1: go to the “users” section in wordpress and make sure each person fills out their facebook, twitter and google+ fields. Step 2: configure the social tab in yoast: facebook opengraph twitter cards (remember to validate your twitter cards ) google+ meta data pinterest (located in yoast’s “dashboard” settings).
You've arrived on the blank canvas where you'll add your masterpiece (aka your content). But before you get started with this process, we have a few pointers. First, be sure to save your work frequently. While wordpress does save your progress automatically, if you lose your internet connection, it may not pick up the changes made during that time. Click the "save draft" button in the upper right-hand corner to save. Now, it's time to add your content. To do so, copy-paste your original text directly into wordpress. Wordpress uses a block editor, which works exactly as you'd imagine — by creating blocks for each section of content you add.
Once you’ve built a website with wordpress you’ll need to add some content, but where are you going to get it from? hire a content writer or sit down and put your story together yourself? most readers simply scan a page for a few seconds before deciding to stay or move onto the next site. If you don’t know how to keep them reading, they’ll never get to read more about what you’re on about. That’s where creating compelling content comes into play. Starting with your headline and then the first few sentences. Its something i’m personally digging deeper into which you may have noticed if you read my review about a recovering attorney and his famous blog.
Here at marketpath, we help companies redesign and launch brand new websites with an easy-to-use content management system on the backend. One challenge that we often run into, however, is gathering compelling content from our clients. This is a widespread problem, not limited to just marketpath’s client base, but to anyone that is redeveloping their online presence. The dreaded “okay, now what do we say?” question always seems to arise. Unless you’re paying an outside pr firm or freelance copywriter to write your website copy, it’s going to be left to you and your internal staff. Once you come to this realization, and a few weeks pass by while you’re waiting for someone to step up and write something awesome, you’re going to become desperate.